HylaFAX+ 5.5.4 release

The source code for the 5.5.4 release can be downloaded from:


(md5: 1a69d9253659472457748643e5d04714 1,347,860 bytes)

HylaFAX+ 5.5.4 includes the following developments beyond version 5.5.3

New Changes

* trigtest: Fix file descriptor leak on error (6 Aug 2013)
* rewrite direct LDAP authentication function by Dennis Jenkins (31 Jul 2013)
* fix V.34 faxsend crash when DCN received instead of CFR (29 Jul 2013)
* prevent a job blocking problem following job preparation
  failures (27 Jul 2013)
* remove double-slash in tmp files for faxmail/sendfax/sendpage (23 Jul 2013)
* implement PASV/EPSV port range restrictions via command-line
  parameter '-p min:max' (djenkins, 18 Jul 2013)
* fix an error in processing hfaxd "i" parameters, especially
  following "f" or "l" options (13, 17 Jul 2013)
* make the modem hangup be part of the receive-fax session (12 Jul 2013)
* use -dAdjustWidth by default for FIXEDWIDTH for suitable
  Ghostscript versions (11 May 2013)
* fix text part formatting problems in faxmail (4 May 2013)
* add ProxyReconnects feature (26 Apr, 8 May 2013)
* add UseAlternativePart feature to faxmail (19 Apr 2013)
* support RFC1049 in faxmail (19 Apr 2013)
* add ShareCallFailures features (26 Feb 2013)

To see change information for previous versions see the news index.

To see a general list of differences between HylaFAX+ and the HylaFAX found at hylafax.org see the differences page.