Making the Premier Open-Source Fax Management System Even Better
ps2fax is actually a link (symbolic or otherwise) to the script appropriate for the POSTSCRIPT imaging tool. The link is setup when the faxsetup(8C) script is run to configure a HylaFAX server machine for use.
Input files containing POSTSCRIPT may be specified on the command line. If none are given, then ps2fax will read from standard input.
By default, ps2fax will generate a 98 line/inch output document whose page width is 1728 pixels and page length is 297 mm (a standard A4 page at low resolution). Horizontal resolution is always 204 dpi. Command line options may be used to select alternate vertical resolution and page dimensions.
If no filename is given, ps2fax writes its output to a file named ps.fax; the -o option can be used to specify an alternate filename.
By default, output is compressed using the standard Group 3 1D-encoding scheme, with EOL codes padded to byte boundaries. If the -2 option is specified, output is encoded with the optional Group 3 2D-encoding scheme (EOL codes are still padded to byte boundaries).
This script can modify outgoing facsimile, such as watermarking, To do this create a shell script etc/FaxModify in the spooling area that alters the document.
Note that bin/ps2fax is usually just a link to a shell script that invokes the appropriate POSTSCRIPT RIP to do the work.
The default Display POSTSCRIPT-based execution environment includes support for the following fonts:
AvantGarde-Book Helvetica-Bold Palatino-BoldItalic AvantGarde-BookOblique Helvetica-BoldOblique Palatino-Italic AvantGarde-Demi Helvetica-Narrow Palatino-Roman AvantGarde-DemiOblique Helvetica-Narrow-Bold StoneSerif Bookman-Demi Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique Symbol Bookman-DemiItalic Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique Tekton Bookman-Light Helvetica-Oblique Times-Bold Bookman-LightItalic Lithos-Bold Times-BoldItalic Courier NewCenturySchlbk-Bold Times-Italic Courier-Bold NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic Times-Roman Courier-BoldOblique NewCenturySchlbk-Italic ZapfChancery-MediumItalic Courier-Oblique NewCenturySchlbk-Roman ZapfDingbats Helvetica Palatino-Bold
Note that this is the same set of fonts supported by the DPS extension to the X server.
The default Ghostscript-based environment is more uncertain; consult the Ghostscript documentation for information on what fonts are available.
/var/spool/hylafax/etc/ POSTSCRIPT code read at startup for DPS /usr/lib/DPS/default.dps_vm startup VM file for DPS /usr/lib/DPS/outline Type 1 fonts for DPS /usr/lib/DPS/prebuilt prebuilt versions of fonts for DPS
No prebuilt bitmap fonts are currently available for the DPS-based imager; this would greatly improve legibility at low resolutions, as the rendering of outline fonts at 98 lpi is particularly poor.
Both DPS- and Ghostscript-based versions of this program fail to exit with non-zero status when an invalid POSTSCRIPT document is processed; this makes it problematic for the HylaFAX queue manager to determine when a problem arises when preparing a job for transmission.